A pressure washer is among the best tools for cleaning purposes. It can efficiently remove grease, oil stains, and dirt from any hard surface. It should be used with utmost care because the high-speed water stream may have an ugly impact on your expensive furniture or marble flooring.

The best way to overcome a pressure washer’s problem is to have it regularly serviced. You may hire a professional service provider or do the servicing yourself (if you know how). Otherwise, you will be left with no option but to call for repair services. Here are some tips to help you maintain your pressure washer in good condition. Visit now Giraffe tools pressure washer.

The following are the most effective ways to overcome a pressure washer’s problem:

Check for the water supply

Before turning on the appliance, check whether there is sufficient water supply in it or not. An adequate amount of water is necessary because pressure washers work on the principle of fluid dynamics (fluid motion). An increase in pressure means an increase in the velocity of water flow. You will need a hose, a washer machine, and a nozzle to handle this task.

How to check if there is sufficient water supply or not

First, you have to open the cold water tap fully and see whether the washer machine draws enough fluid from it or not. If yes, then there is no problem with the supply or pressure.

Visual Inspection

Make it a habit to inspect your pressure washer properly before starting it. If you find any fault in its body, fix them immediately. The most common marks are cracks and holes in the machine’s surface that allow leakage of water and air (which can cause a reduction in pressure).

How to inspect a pressure washer

Always follow the user manual and never try to do anything yourself. If you are an expert, you can open up the machine’s front panel (which is usually screwed by two screws) after turning off its main power switch. You must look for oil or water leakage, damage to the seal, etc.

Clean The Filter

A pressure washer’s filter is responsible for keeping the fluid inside it clean. When impurities are inside the water supply line, they will find their way into your machine through this filter. You have to clean it regularly to remove dust particles and other pollutants that may lead to the malfunctioning of your device.

How to clean a pressure washer’s filter

You have to detach its hose and take out the nozzle from it. Then, you can hold the machine upside down and allow the water to drain out. Afterward, use a dry cloth or paper towel to wipe off any excess fluid inside it.

Regularly check the rubber gasket

The rubber gasket is responsible for maintaining a tight seal between two components of your pressure washer. If it fails to do so, there is a chance that you might get injured due to leakage or explosion of the water jet. You have to clean or replace the gasket as soon as possible.

How to do it

You have to remove the cold water tap by unscrewing the connected pipe. Afterward, you can hold down the machine’s body with one hand and detach its lid with another hand. Look for a wet or dry gasket placed on the washer machine’s lid. Then, clean it properly using a damp cloth or paper towel. If it is broken, you have to replace it with a new one (which can be bought from your local appliance store).

Avoid Overheating

Pressure washers run on electricity and tend to get overheated soon after heavy use. When the engine or components become hot, they may malfunction or fail to work altogether. Thus, it is necessary to check the temperature regularly and allow the machine to cool before using it again.

How to avoid overheating

The best way to avoid overheating a pressure washer’s engine is to turn off its power switch and detach it from its water supply source after finishing each task. If you find this step too troublesome, then you can use a pressure regulator to control its psi and flow rate.


All of these tips are tried and tested by professionals. Before using any pressure washer for your work, always check its components properly to see if they are in good condition or not. Spending a few minutes on this task can save you from accidents caused due to malfunctioning or defects. Don’t forget to read our previous posts so that you can tackle a wide range of problems in the future.


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